On June 16, 2024, the serene grounds of the Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Hospital in Ragama witnessed a heartwarming event—the “Metta Bawana” program. Organized by Mr. Asanga Vitharana, this initiative aimed to bring comfort and mindfulness to both patients and staff.

The program centered around Metta meditation, guided by the venerable Galkande Dhammananda Thero. Metta, often translated as “loving-kindness,” is a practice that cultivates compassion, goodwill, and positive energy. Participants immersed themselves in this blissful meditation session, fostering inner peace and connection.

Mr. Asanga Vitharana’s thoughtful gesture resonated with the hospital community. Amidst the challenges faced by patients dealing with rheumatologic conditions, spinal injuries, and limb amputations, moments of tranquility become invaluable. The Metta Bawana program provided a respite—a reminder that healing extends beyond physical care.

As the morning glory showers on the hospital’s green surroundings, participants shared smiles, exchanged kind words, and collectively embraced the spirit of Metta. The lasting impact of this program will touch hearts and foster resilience.

In a world where busy schedules and medical routines dominate, Mr. Asanga Vitharana’s initiative serves as a beacon of compassion. The Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Hospital community extends its gratitude to all involved, recognizing that healing encompasses not only the body but also the soul.


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