The Leo Club of the University of Colombo recently organized a heartwarming music therapy program titled “Sahurda Wiyamana” at the Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Hospital in Ragama. Patients, caregivers, and hospital staff gathered to experience the healing power of music.

Mr. Udaya Bandara Dasanayake, a dedicated contributor to the program, provided insightful explanations and shared the profound meanings behind the songs. The event aimed to uplift spirits, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being among patients undergoing treatment.

The Leo Club, known for its commitment to community service, continues to make a positive impact through initiatives like “Sahurda Wiyamana.” By harnessing the therapeutic effects of music, they create a harmonious environment that transcends physical boundaries.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Dasanayake and the Leo Club for their compassionate efforts in enhancing the lives of patients through music therapy.

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